There are lots of different ways to entertain yourself while at your Michigan Center Chain of Lakes home. Here is a list I came up with that may have some items that help make memories in a different way.
Obviously since we are talking about lakefront homes, the list will start off with some lake specific items.
Go Swimming. Pretty simple and obvious. Whether swimming from shore, or off a dock this is always a favorite. Different water options, such as water trampolines, slides, or pads/ floats can allow for different water entertainment and a unique experience.
Go Fishing. Another fairly common one, but a lot of people don't fish, or have not done it in a long time.
Tour the chain of lakes with friends and family. With so many lakes on the chain, it can be a good day of entertainment to just go for a cruise from one end of the chain to the other.
Water Sports such as Kayaking, paddle boating, skiing, tubing, and wake boarding are great ways to pass the time.
In Winter you may want to check out Ice Fishing. Be sure the ice is thick enough for you to go on it first.
Also in Winter Ice Skating or Hockey. Again, make sure the ice is thick enough first. A great way to pass the time so long as you are being safe and have the equipment.
Make s'mores or roast hot dogs over a fire pit. So long as you follow the local guidelines sitting around the fire is always a good time.
Star Gazing. One benefit of being at the lake is seeing a big open sky. On a good clear night you can see quite a long ways.
Go for a walk or bike ride solo or with the family. Generally the speed limits around the lakes will be slower, so it should allow for a safer time out for a walk or ride. Take note of all of the wildlife you come across on your trip.
Make Home Made Ice Cream. This is one I haven't tried but will be doing soon as it looks like a good time. Another thing along this line would be Baking Cookies or making a Pizza from Scratch.
Play cards or board games. Card games such as Monopoly, Sorry, Trouble, and Risk were popular and enjoyable games that most everyone has heard of. Most all Michiganders are aware of Euchre, and the Wolf Lake Yacht Club hosts Euchre nights through the winter.
Get creative in some way. Whether reading a book, painting a portrait, or doing some writing the Lake atmosphere lends itself to creativity.
Outdoor Movie Night. Bring the Drive In Theatre experience to the Lake. Whether you just set up a TV outside, or use a projector, the experience is still a good one.
Build a fort, train tracks, or Legos with the kids. It doesn't matter if you use the couch cushions, tables, and sheets, or have a kit that you bought online. Kids have it right when it comes to being imaginative.
Create a Scavenger Hunt/ Treasure Hunt and clues to engage the group.
Watch local entertainment. The Michigan Center Lions Club regularly hosts live music in the summer along with the Wolf Lake Yacht Club having the occasional event, and don't forget about the Wolf Lake Summer Concert at the Sand Bar or the Carp Carnival in Michigan Center.